Your Health – In Your Hands: To reduce obesity in the body and keep calm from constant anger, do these 4 yogasanas daily.

After 9 to 10 hours of work, the body is not qualified to do any other activity. Staying fit is like ‘Mungerilal’s dreams’. Yoga plays a very big role in keeping the body and mind fit. The day passes in these thoughts whether to do yoga today or definitely start from tomorrow. But the time to start yoga never comes.
What happens if yoga is not done?
According to Bholi Parihar, a yoga expert at Innocence Yoga, we are lazy in doing yoga but if we do not practice yoga on a daily basis, the body becomes paralyzed, obesity, joint problems and anger increase. According to Bholi Parihar, doing Vakrasana, Anjaneya Asana, Gomukhasana salutations with Namaskar removes these problems. Doing this asana also eliminates obesity, anger and joint problems.
Curvature relieves back and hip pain
This asana helps in removing the stiffness of our waist and hips. At the same time blood circulation in the whole body is increased so that the body does not get stuck. This asana is also good for our shoulders and neck. People who have shoulder and neck pain should definitely do this asana. This asana helps in relieving the tingling in our leg muscles.
Ritual of curvature
Straighten both legs
Keep both hands straight. In this position the waist and neck will be straight and relaxed
Now slowly bend your left knee and place your right knee next to it.
Slowly turn your body to the left. Now place your left hand on the ground behind the body.
Now grab the right hand bent paw
Turn the whole body backwards and hold there for five to ten seconds
Now come back later
Cow facing leg with namskar
For those who get angry quickly and get irritated by every little thing, this asana is very beneficial. Doing this asana calms your mind and body, brings stability to the body. Many times people get angry because of the troubles happening in their body. Then this asana improves our digestion, through which our mood improves. This asana also reduces the restlessness of the mind.
Ritual of Gomukhasana
Sit with both legs straight
Bend both knees
Bend the right leg and bring it to the side of the left hip
Bend the left leg and move it to the right hip
Keep both hands close to the chest in the salutation posture.
Close your eyes
Sit in this asana for 2 minutes. Change the position of your feet after one minute
In this asana you will keep all your attention on the eye.
If you do this asana in the morning sunlight, you will get double benefit.
People suffering from obesity should do Anjaneya Asana every day
Doing this asana reduces the weight of our arms, chest and legs. This asana helps in reducing body obesity. Strengthens the body and brings firmness to the body. Strengthens our muscles.
Anjaneya asana ritual
Stand with both your legs together (Attention position)
Move your left leg back and keep the distance between the two legs
Now keep the left knee on the ground and straighten that leg backwards
Connect the fingers of both hands together
Inhale and move your arms, neck and chest backwards
Hold for five to 10 seconds as much as you can and come back slowly
If you do this asana 25 to 30 times in a row then obesity will go down soon.
Malasan for joints
Most people nowadays suffer from knee, ankle and back pain. As well as the joints stop working with age. If you practice Malasan, it will keep your knees healthy. Swelling of the knee is eliminated. Strengthens your ankles. Apart from this this asana is also useful in relieving back pain. Malsan removes hip numbness.
Ritual of Malasan
Keep a short distance between the legs while standing in the supine position
The claws will be outside and the AD will be inside. Now sit down slowly
Keep both hands in Namaskar posture
Keep the elbows close to the ankles
Straighten the waist. Slowly pull the shoulders down
Do this asana according to your ability