GOOD NEWS: Vaccination of children below 18 years of age from today

New Delhi. After the second wave of Corona (COVID-19), the central government had started preparations to vaccinate children. Today, the vaccine is also being administered to those below the age of 18 years to protect them from the corona epidemic. Let us inform that on December 25, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address to the nation, had announced to start corona vaccination from January 3 for children and adolescents aged 15-18 years. After that, the process of registration for vaccination started on January 1, the first day of the year. Corona vaccination of children will be done at the government center. You can also get the child vaccinated in a private hospital as well. Children will get free vaccine at the Government Vaccination Center. Whereas in private hospitals, the cost of the vaccine (VACCINE) will have to be paid. Children will be given only CO-VACCINE of Bharat Biotech (BHARAT BIOTECH). Let us tell you that at present the number of children in the age group of 15-18 is about 10 crores in the country.
In a recent article published by a reputed international news agency, it has been claimed that India has missed the target of vaccination. This news is completely misleading and does not present real facts. In the fight against the global pandemic COVID-19, India’s national COVID-19 vaccination program has been one of the most successful and largest in comparison to many developed Western countries with a much smaller population base. Since the launch of the National COVID Immunization Campaign on January 16, 2021, India has so far administered 90 percent of the first vaccine dose and more than 65 percent of the second vaccine dose to its eligible citizens. During this campaign, India has achieved many unprecedented achievements as compared to the world, which include more than 100 crore vaccines in less than 9 months and 251 crore vaccine doses in a single day and 10 million vaccines daily on many occasions. Includes installation.
As compared to other developed countries, India has done an excellent job in immunizing 937 crore (as per RGI) eligible adult citizens in all its states and union territories for COVID immunization. In terms of providing the first vaccine to an eligible population, the United States has covered only 73.2% of the population, while the UK has vaccinated 75.9% of its population and France has vaccinated 78.3% of its population, while Spain has covered only 73.2% of its population. 84.7% share is covered. India has already vaccinated 90% of the eligible population with the first dose of vaccine against COVID-19.
The same can be said about giving a second dose of vaccines. that the United States has covered only 61.5% of its population, while Britain has vaccinated 69.5% of its population and France has covered 73.2% of its population, while Spain has vaccinated 81.5% of its population. % of the population has been vaccinated. India has covered more than 65% of the eligible population with the second dose of vaccine against COVID-19. Further, 11 States/UTs in India have already achieved 100% first dose target during immunization, while three States/UTs have so far achieved 100% complete vaccination (1st and 1st dose) against COVID-19. second dose of both). Many States/UTs are expected to complete 100% vaccination very soon.
A nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign i.e. Har Ghar Dastak Abhiyan was implemented from 3rd November, 2021, which involves door-to-door reaching out to all the left out and remaining eligible beneficiaries, spreading awareness and immunizing them. This has resulted in an 11.6% increase in coverage of the first vaccination since the start of the campaign, while a 28.9% increase in the second dose during the same period. The global increase in COVID-19 cases in December 2021, the detection of Omicron variants classified as Variant of Concern (VOC), based on scientific evidence, global best practices and the “COVID-19 Working Group”. Keeping in view the inputs/suggestions by the “National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI)” as well as the recommendations of the “Permanent Technical Scientific Committee (STSC)” of NTAGI, adolescents in the age group of 15-18 years commencing from January 3, 2022 It has been decided to further refine the scientific priority and coverage of COVID-19 vaccination of