
Planet Thoughts: Auspicious yoga is being formed

All of you will be eagerly waiting for the new year, as well as there will be hopes that the new year will be auspicious for you. But according to astrology, your auspicious time comes when good planets are formed. A person’s luck can change in auspicious yoga. That’s why today we are going to tell you, that auspicious coincidence coming in the year 2022, when your luck will support you. First let us tell you the current position of the planets. The year is going to start on Saturday in Jyestha Nakshatra, whose lord is Shani. At present, Saturn is situated in the tenth sign Capricorn along with the planet Venus. Whereas Jupiter is present in Aquarius, Rahu is present in Taurus and Ketu is present in Scorpio. Let us now tell you that when these planets together with other planets will form auspicious yoga for us.

1. Shasha Yoga

This yoga is one of the Panch Mahapurush Yogas. Shasha Yoga is formed when Saturn has a special position in the horoscope. This yoga is formed when Saturn is situated in its own sign or its exalted sign. For most of the year 2022, it is situated in Capricorn sign i.e. own sign. It will not remain in this amount only from April 29, 2022 to July 12, 2022. That is, if this time is left, then Shani is providing this auspicious yoga to the people for almost the whole year.

What will be the benefits?

Due to Shasha Yoga, the leadership ability of the person is better. He enjoys popularity in personal and professional life and is also successful in business deals. The natives of this yoga are capable of touching the heights of success at the end of their life span. Those whose Saturn is strong or in an auspicious position in their horoscope, they will get special benefit from this yoga.

2. Budhaditya Yoga

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury transit together. This year Mercury will transit with Sun from April 8, 2022 to April 25, 2022, then Budhaditya Yoga will be formed. This yoga is considered very auspicious in astrology.

What will be the benefits?

This yoga will help the native to earn profit through intelligence. People with Buddhaditya Yoga are able to overcome serious problems with their intellect. With this yoga, the person can acquire more knowledge and can convert that knowledge into many positive results. In adverse circumstances, the native may have to go through many difficulties and troubles, but with the help of this yoga, the native will be able to find a solution to all the difficulties.

3. Ruchaka Yoga

This yoga is formed when the planet Mars is situated in its own sign or in its exalted sign. During February 26, 2022 to April 7, 2022, Mars will be in its exalted sign Capricorn and thus it forms Ruchaka Yoga for the natives.

What will be the benefits?

This yoga is one of the Panch Mahapurush Yogas. Due to this yoga, qualities like valor, zeal, enthusiasm etc. develop in the natives. In this yoga, the person gets success in getting a government job and the person can easily complete the most difficult tasks. With the help of this yoga, the native will get promotion and other benefits like career progress.

4. Guru Mangal Yoga

This yoga is one of the highly beneficial yogas. This yoga is formed due to the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter. This yoga is being formed in the year 2022 in the month of May. Jupiter will enter Pisces on April 13, 2022, and Mars will enter Pisces on May 17, 2022.

What will be the benefits?

In the year 2022, this yoga is being formed in Pisces, whose lord is Guru. Because of this, this yoga is very beneficial. Due to this yoga, the person gets financial benefits, prosperity in life, progress in career, prestige in society, happiness in married life etc.

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