
Imran Khan’s interview: America has messed up everything in Afghanistan, only political settlement will solve it

Islamabad. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has faulted America for the falling apart circumstance in Afghanistan. He referenced this when he was giving a meeting to American news channel “Public Broadcasting Service” writer Judy Woodruff. He said that the US didn’t deal with the Taliban appropriately and wrecked everything. This interview was communicated in Pakistan on Tuesday night. In this meeting, Imran took out a great deal of outrage against America. Tell us how Imran addressed through questions.

Q1. What and how is the Taliban?
A1. Afghanistan was governed by the Soviet Union from 1979 to 1989. America, Pakistan and Arab nations kept on giving cash and weapons to Afghan contenders (Mujahideen). At the point when Soviet powers left Afghanistan, the Mujahideen groups went under one pennant. It was named Taliban. In any case, the Taliban is separated into a few groups.

Q2.What botches did America make?
A2. When the US comprehended that there was no tactical answer for the issue in Afghanistan, it was past the point of no return. At one time America had in excess of 10 thousand troopers in Afghanistan and in obvious sense this was when America ought to have made an arrangement with the Taliban.

Q3.Is the Taliban’s re-visitation of Afghanistan really great for individuals there?
A3. Political settlement is better for Afghanistan’s future. This is likewise the main way. In all actuality now the Taliban will be associated with the public authority of Afghanistan.

Q4. How does Pakistan see the developing impact of the Taliban?
A4. In the event that Afghanistan moves towards common conflict, it will likewise influence Pakistan. The evacuee issue will emerge before our country. There are as of now multiple million Afghan displaced people in Pakistan. We will have inconvenience assuming their number expands, the financial state of our nation isn’t to such an extent that outcasts can deal with the issue.

Q5. What will be the effect on Pakistan?
A5. Taliban is an association of Pashtuns. In the event that a common conflict like circumstance emerges in Afghanistan, the Pashtuns of our nation can likewise go along with it. This will just expand the issue.

Q6. Pakistan has been blamed for giving monetary guide to the Taliban?
A6. This is totally bogus claim. At the point when Al Qaeda assaulted the World Trade Center, not a solitary Pakistani resident was engaged with it. Around then no Taliban warriors were in Pakistan. In excess of 70 thousand Pakistani regular people have kicked the bucket in the battling between the US and the Taliban. Pakistan has lost $150 billion because of the continuous conflict in Afghanistan.

Q7. What and how is the Taliban?
A7. Afghanistan was controlled by the Soviet Union from 1979 to 1989. America, Pakistan and Arab nations kept on giving cash and weapons to Afghan warriors (Mujahideen). At the point when Soviet powers left Afghanistan, the Mujahideen groups went under one pennant. It was named Taliban. Notwithstanding, the Taliban is separated into a few groups.

The Taliban are 90% Pashtun tribesmen. The vast majority of them have a place with the madrassas of Pakistan. Taliban implies understudy or understudy in Pashto language.

There are additionally numerous Pashtuns in western and northern Pakistan. America and Western nations see them partitioned as Afghan Taliban and Taliban Pakistan.

The Taliban controlled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. During this time just 3 nations of the world faced the challenge of perceiving its administration. Every one of the three nations were Sunni-greater part Islamic republics. Their names were Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan.

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