The new computer language ‘Bhai Lang’ developed by two Indian developers is hotly debated

A programming language created by two Indian software developers, Aniket Singh and Rishabh Tripathi, has become a hot topic on the Internet.
He named this language Bhai Lang. The word brother is used for brother in India.
Like Java and other programming languages, Brother Lang has a syntax. The word brother also appears in every programming code.
According to Brother Lang’s official website, each code begins with a high brother and ends with a bye brother. Only code written between these two words is valid for programming and anything written outside of these two words is not valid for the program.
If the coding person makes such a mistake, the system reminds him by saying hey hey hey hey hey.
Screen shots of the programming language are also going viral on social media and people are having fun with it.
Like other programming languages, this language has a GitHub page where users can view the source code and the entire dictionary of the language.
The user can also try coding using the new language by visiting the language’s website and if the coding is correct, the user will be greeted by the website giving the message “Great brother …”.