What is the probability of a major earthquake in Kutch: 65 km long fault line is getting 2.1 mm wide every year, construction in this area is dangerous

● Joint research of Kutch University, ISR Gandhinagar, Jammu-University and Adhyakavi Nannaya University of Andhra Pradesh
With earthquakes constantly raging in the area around Rapar, Bhachau and Dudhai panths of Kutch, the question is whether there is a possibility of another major earthquake in Kutch in the future. Such a question happens to every Gujaratis. Especially since 2001, the only question that has been lingering in the minds of the hardworking people of Kutch is whether there will be a catastrophic earthquake in Kutch or not. So the answer is – earthquakes can happen, but they can happen in a very long time, so it is dangerous to build in this area. The whole matter has been researched by four institutes. The research was carried out by experts from Kutch University, ISR Gandhinagar, Jammu University and Adyakavi Nannaya University of Andhra Pradesh. This research did not happen in a day or two. This has taken three years. The research was carried out on a fault line called Katrol Hill Fault (KHF) which runs through the center of Kutch. In this research, some facts have come to light, about which the chairman of the Department of Earth and Environment of Kutch University, Prof. Mahesh Thackeray shed light on the conversation with Divya Bhaskar.
What is the Cattle Hill Faultline
There are four earthquake fault lines in Kutch. One such faultline is the Catrol Hill Faultline, abbreviated as KHF. This line divides Kutch into two parts. South Kutch and North Kutch. This is a small hill area. In fact, the highest hilly area of the Kutch region was named Khatrod Hills. Over time, Khatrod was renamed the Katrol Hill Range and the area was renamed the Katrol Hill Faultline.
Research by Geodesy method
Pro. MG Thackeray said that our team includes ISR Gandhinagar researcher Dr. Rakesh Dumka and Donupudi Suribabu also joined. This research is based on Geodesy method. The survey was conducted with a high resolution GPS system. This gives an idea of how much energy the plate of the earth has to withstand and how much energy is accumulated in how long the plate will break and a big earthquake will occur. These clear conclusions can be drawn mathematically. Yes, it is not possible to say the date or time of a major earthquake, but 20 to 30 percent of it can be found and it is necessary to find out.
Construction in sensitive areas should be avoided
Kutch Panth is an earthquake prone area. In such a situation big projects are made in Kutch. Construction of complexes, townships, row-houses is taking place in sensitive areas. In fact any type of construction should not be done on the sensitive plate land of Kutch and suppose that if large plants, buildings, complexes are to be constructed then the government should consult a geologist before approving. The builder should also consult a geologist before starting construction. If possible, construction in sensitive areas must be avoided.