Putin’s army will be exhausted in 10 days?: Former US general claims Russia is running out of ammunition

The former US general claims that if this war drags on, then Russia’s army will gradually start falling down. Within ten days, his ammunition would also start running out. In fact, so far Putin’s strategy in this war has failed on every front.
The war between Russia and Ukraine has entered its 20th day. Meanwhile, three rounds of talks have also taken place between the two countries, but no consensus is being reached to stop the war. In such a situation, both the countries are suffering a great loss. Along with the loss of soldiers, the armaments of both the countries are also becoming increasingly empty.
Meanwhile, a former US military officer Ben Hodges has made a big claim that Russia now has only 10 days of ammunition left. In such a situation, if this war drags on for a long time, then the Russian army will gradually start getting battered. The American official says that it was a quick operation, which has turned into a war.
Putin’s strategy failing on every front
The strategy of Russia fighting the war against Ukraine is failing on every front. Russia was predicting that its forces would take over Ukraine in two to three days. However, this did not happen. It met with strong resistance from Ukraine. So far Putin’s strategy is failing on every front. The US has also claimed that the war is now only the result of Putin’s fury, because he thought that he would take Ukraine in two days.
Did China seek help?
Another thing that has come out in the midst of the war is that Russia has asked China for military equipment and assistance. However, this has been denied by China and Russia. It has been said that America is spreading propaganda. However, a warning has also been issued by the US to China that, if China helps Russia, it will also have to face bad consequences.
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