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Bathed in dirty water, took a dip: People have elected me to work, not to make false promises, MLA's unique protest

The condition of the road on the Bihar-Jharkhand border is very bad. The Congress MLA made a unique protest regarding this.

The condition of the road on the Bihar-Jharkhand border is very bad. During rains, the road is filled with water up to the waist. The drain water also comes on the road. People have been continuously protesting about it. People on the Bihar-Jharkhand border were stunned when a woman MLA arrived there, the MLA was furious after seeing waterlogged roads. However, he vented this anger in a slightly different way.

As per the received details, Dipika Pandey, MLA from Mahagama, Jharkhand, has a house in Mehramama, adjacent to the Jharkhand border in Bihar. Mehrama is in Jharkhand. The road was flooded at Sidhu Kanhoo Chowk in Jharkhand. The MLA was furious after seeing water up to his waist. MLA belongs to Congress party. This entire area belongs to the Jharkhand government. The MLA said that how can people pass on this road. How many difficulties will be faced. However, this area is of utmost importance to the people of Bihar. Majority of people from Bhagalpur district of Bihar come here. Their business also runs from here. Also, their way to the market also passes through here. People from about six panchayats of Pirpenti have to pass through here. People go to market and haat from here for shopping. There is a big market here. A large number of people from Bhagalpur district commute here.

MLA Deepika Pandey protested by sitting in water on the road. He also bathed in the water flowing on the road. Even took three dips, the water of the canal is flowing on the road. Such protest went on for many times. His video and photo are also going viral. It is being discussed more in Bihar than Jharkhand

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