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Woman started talking at her own funeral, an incredible miracle of science

An incident has come to light about which people have lost their minds. In fact, a dead woman has spoken to people at her own funeral.

Technology is moving very fast. A lot of work is being done by him which people do not believe. A new news of this kind has come to the fore. It is stated that the dead woman was interacting with people at her own funeral. This has been made possible with the help of AI.

Imagine that you attend the funeral of a deceased person and you have the opportunity to talk to them. This may seem impossible but even this impossible task has become possible with the help of technology. For that, the help of artificial intelligence or AI was taken.

This incident is being reported from England. Holocaust campaigner Marina Smith MBE gave a speech at her own funeral. Not only this, he also answered the questions of the people present. He was born on 16 November 1934 in Kolkata, India.

A video shown with the help of a hologram

He died in June 2022 but his video was shown with the help of a hologram. Due to which the onlookers thought that he was alive. He interacted with the people present with the help of AI-powered holographic video tool.

He also told some secrets related to his life. In which Smith was the co-founder of The National Holocaust Center and Museum. She was the first to adopt a technology and become a woman to attend her own funeral.

StoryFile created this video technology

According to a report, AI-powered video platform StoryFile developed this video technology. Stephen Smith, CEO and cofounder of StoryFile, said that his mother, Marina Smith, first adopted the technology.

This startup was launched in the year 2017. They can create videos and play appropriate video clips in front of viewers with the help of AI. That is, the video clips were already prepared and saved.

With this, when people would ask him questions, the AI ​​would play the video from his account. For that, AI divided the video into small clips. For that, the company spent two days with Smith. Where his videos were prepared. In which related information about his life was shared.

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