Muharram 2022 - Know why it is celebrated
Muharram 2022 - Know why it is celebrated

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic year based on the lunar calendar. This month of the Islamic year is historically very important for Muslims around the world.
In Muslim society, both Sunnis and Shias celebrate Muharram together. However, there is a difference in the method of both.. After Ramadan, the month of Muharram is considered the second most ripe month in Islam.
Why is Muharram celebrated?
About 1400 years ago today, it was the month of Muharram of Sun 61 Hijri.. when Imam Hussain, the son-in-law (newborn) of Muhammad SAW, was brutally martyred by the tyrannical Yajidi forces in the wilderness of Karbala, Iraq, along with his 72 companions.
Muharram is celebrated to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. This is not a festival but a day of mourning.
Shias perform matam – People of the Shia community wear black clothes and perform bloody matam until the 10th day of Muharram. During Mourning the Imam beats his body remembering Hussain… (gives pain to the body) 10 Muharram is also called Ashura.
On the 10th day of Muharram, the people of the Muslim community take the Tajiya made in memory of Imam Hussain to the graveyard and martyr him. People of the Muslim community do not participate in marriages in this Islamic month.
Sunni keeps fast
On the other hand, in the Muslim society, the people of the Sunni group fast up to the 10th day of Muharram in this Islamic month. People from the Sunni community do not mourn like people from the Shia community
Martyrs are remembered in the graveyard along with Imam Hussain and prayers are offered for the repose of their souls.
This is a way of paying tribute to those who were martyred in 61 Hijri.