50,000 per month for retired teachers! UGC gave this gift on Teacher's Day

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is going to launch fellowships and research grants for retired teachers on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. Retired teachers stand to benefit greatly from this. UGC Chief Jagdish Kumar has given this information.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) is going to launch fellowships and research grants for retired teachers on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. Retired teachers stand to benefit greatly from this. UGC Chief Jagdish Kumar has given this information. A total of five fellowships and research grants will be launched. Retired Teachers Fellowship will be launched for retired teachers. Jagdish Kumar said that on Teachers’ Day, the UGC is announcing several research schemes, which will benefit higher education institutions across the country.
At the same time, apart from the Retired Teachers Fellowship, there are four other fellowships – Savitri Jyoti Rao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl Child, Dr. Radhakrishnan UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, In-Service Teachers Research Grant and Dr. D.S. Kothari Research Grants. Newly appointed teachers. These grants and fellowships are intended to benefit higher education institutions as well as the recipients. These five fellowships and research grants are going to start on Monday.
What is the fellowship and how much grant will be received?
If we talk about Retired Teacher Fellowship, it is completely brought for retired teachers. The fellowship will provide research opportunities to retired teachers. This fellowship is brought for the purpose of research. There are 100 posts under this and candidates selected under the fellowship will be given Rs 50,000 per month and Rs 50,000 annually as contingency fund. However, the UGC has not yet specified the subject on which these retired teachers will have to conduct research.
What are the other fellowships?
In-service teacher research grants will provide research opportunities to regularly appointed teachers. 200 selected candidates will be given Rs 10 lakh each for two years. Dr. associated with newly appointed teachers. D.S. Kothari Research Grant is for regularly appointed teachers. 132 candidates selected under this will be given assistance of Rs 10 lakh each for two years.
Dr. Under the Radhakrishnan UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship, Indian universities and institutions will be provided opportunities for higher studies and research in science, engineering, technology, humanities and social sciences, including languages. It has 900 seats, of which 30 percent are reserved for women. Selected candidates will be paid per month Rs. 50,000 fellowship and annual Rs. 50,000 will be provided as a contingency amount.