Gujarat Board has changed the exam pattern for Std. 9 to 12, find out how many MCQs will be asked now

An important decision has been taken by the Board of Education in the matter of Std.
Gujarat Board of Education has changed the examination system of Std. 9 to 12 classes. From now on, 20 percent MCQ and 80 percent descriptive questions will be asked in the exam. Significantly, the examination system was changed due to the Koro epidemic, according to which it was decided to ask 30 per cent MCQ questions. This change was made for standard 9 to 12 students.
Order to implement the old examination method
Corona is still prevalent today. But education has been started with caution. Offline classes have started. With the commencement of academic work as per the norms, now the examination system has also been changed to the year 2019-2020. The Gujarat Board of Education has ordered to implement the examination system for the year 2022-2023 as well as other examinations for the year 2019-2020.
What is the examination method for the year 2019-2020?
If we talk about the examination system as per the year 2019-2020, the paper of 100 marks in standard 10 will have 20 marks of internal assessment of the school while the paper of the board will be 80 marks. In which 7 out of 20 marks and 26 out of 80 M. A total of 33 marks will be counted as student pass. While in standard 12 science stream 100 marks question paper 20 marks objective question and 80 marks short, long and essay type questions will be asked. In standard 12 general stream, the implementation of 100 per cent theory type question paper format will remain the same.