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Scary Prophecy: After the freezing cold, now scorching heat forecast, these 3 months are going to be very hot!

After the bone-chilling cold this year, get ready to brave the heat. Mild sun in the morning and cool breeze in the evening giving a feeling of rosy chill…this season is about to leave very soon. If the weather scientists are to be believed, the heat will break all records this time. The El Nino climate pattern in the data that has come out now is pointing in this direction.

After the bone-chilling cold this year, get ready to brave the heat. Mild sun in the morning and cool breeze in the evening giving a feeling of rosy chill…this season is about to leave very soon. If the weather scientists are to be believed, the heat will break all records this time. The El Nino climate pattern in the data that has come out now is pointing in this direction. However, scientists said it is too soon to assess its impact.

According to a new forecast from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there is about a 50 percent chance of El Niño conditions strengthening during the warm months of June, July and August. There is a 58 percent chance in July, August, September. Both of these numbers are more than likely. After three consecutive years of La Nina influence, scientists around the world are predicting the emergence of El Niño conditions. According to the new statistics, the probability of this happening in March-April, May is less. The probability increases to about 15 percent in April-May-June and about 37 percent in May, June, July.

Influence of El Nino and La Nina

El Nino is characterized by anomalous warming of waters in the eastern Mediterranean Pacific region. La Nina, on the other hand, is characterized by unusually cold water in the region. This phenomenon is called ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) and is strongly associated with warming and weak monsoons in India. India Meteorological Department or IMD has similar views to NOAA. La Nina is weakening. There is a high probability of neutral ENSO conditions during the pre-monsoon season. After that, there is a 50 percent chance of El Nino conditions persisting during the monsoon.

Extreme heat forecast

Earth Sciences Ministry Secretary M Rajeev said a medium El Nino could influence the monsoon. It can reduce the dose of the year. But it is difficult to say whether this will be a below normal monsoon or not. If there is a positive Indian Ocean dipole position during those months, it can help the monsoon. We have to closely monitor other parameters as well. Rajeev said it was certain that 2023 would see extreme heat and recommended early adaptation plans. He said that I am quite confident that if it is a scorching heat, it can help the monsoon. We also have to closely monitor the criteria. Rajeev said it was certain to see warming in 2023 and recommended early adaptation plans. He said, “I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a blast.”

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