Every corner of UP is ready to run with new dreams, this is Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas

Bundelkhand Expressway – PM Modi laid the foundation stone of the Bundelkhand Expressway in February, even during the Corona epidemic, it did not let its construction work get in the way.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi (pm narendra modi) has inaugurated the 296 km long Bundelkhand Expressway (Bundelkhand Expressway Inauguration). Addressing the people on this occasion, PM Modi said that countless heroes were born from the land, in whose blood devotion to India flows, whose sons and daughters’ prowess and hard work have always brought glory to the country. I am very happy as the MP of Uttar Pradesh gifting expressway to the land of Bundelkhand today.
PM Modi said that there was a time when it was believed that only big cities had the first right to modern means of transportation. However, now the government has also changed, the mood has also changed. This is Modi, this is Yogi, abandoning the old idea, moving forward in a new way.
The PM said that UP is now ready to run fast with new resolutions. This is sabka saath, sabka faith. No one should be left behind, everyone should work together, the double engine government is working continuously in this direction. Smaller districts of UP have joined the air service, this too is being worked on rapidly.
This state-of-the-art expressway will pass through 7 districts of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. It will make it easy for local people to reach the capital Delhi. Also the economy of this region will improve a lot. PM Modi laid the foundation stone of Bundelkhand Expressway in February. Even during the corona epidemic, its construction work was not allowed to get in the way. The result is that the Bundelkhand Expressway is being opened to the public 6 months ahead of the scheduled deadline. 14,850 crore rupees have been spent to build this expressway.