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'Both kidneys stolen, husband also ran away at a bad time... What will happen to my children?' Painful story of Bihar woman

A sad incident happened with a 38-year-old mother of 3 children from Bihar’s Muzaffarpur, the victim said, what will happen to these children after me, how will they survive?

A sad incident has happened with a 38-year-old mother of 3 children from Muzaffarpur, Bihar. The condition of the woman and her three children has become dire after two kidneys were stolen from the same nursing home that this woman believed in. Not only this, the woman’s husband has also run away at this bad time. The woman says that the husband left the children with me. I am raising my three children by working. Currently I am admitted in the hospital and counting the days of death. I don’t know, how many days I have left to live… though I am mistaken, what will happen to these children after me, how will they live?

Sunila was admitted to a hospital in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur and cried asking these shocking questions. Sunita went to a nursing home for treatment due to an infection in her uterus. Here the doctors removed both his kidneys and fled. Now Sunita is undergoing treatment at SK Medical College, Muzaffarpur. The condition of this woman is getting worse day by day. He has to undergo dialysis every two days. Many people came forward to donate kidneys, but the transplant could not take place due to kidney mismatch.

What will happen to these children after me?

Sunita’s three children keep seeing their mother’s condition with innocent eyes. When someone comes to meet Sunita, he asks them, what is wrong with these children, what will happen to the children after me? A few days ago Sunita’s husband Akloo Ram was also with her. He was also willing to donate a kidney, though his kidney was not a match. Due to some reason Akloo Ram had a quarrel with Sunita and he left the three children with Sunita and went crazy. What her husband said while leaving made Sunita’s pain worse….

My life will not go on without you

While leaving Akloo Ram said to Sunita that now my life cannot go forward with you, so I am going. Sunita started crying while talking about the quarrel with her husband. While leaving, he told me that it is difficult to live with you now. I don’t care if you live or die. Sunita is afraid that her husband will leave her and get another marriage.

How did Sunita become like this?

On September 3 near Bariarpur Chowk in Muzaffarpur, fake doctors removed both kidneys of Sunita Devi instead of operating on Sunita Devi’s uterus in a private Shubkant clinic. When the woman’s condition worsened, the doctor and the clinic manager Pawan admitted her to a nursing home in Patna and ran away. Allegedly, the doctors carried out this incident fraudulently. Police have arrested Pawan and sent him to jail.

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