Burari suicide case fresh: In Govindpuri, the youth committed suicide in the same way, blindfolded and hands were tied behind

The body of the youth was hanging in the same way as the bodies of 11 people of the same family were found in Burari area a few years ago.
In Govindpuri area, mysteriously the body of a youth was found hanging from the noose. The young man’s hands were tied as behind, while his eyes were blindfolded. When the police officers reached the spot after getting the information, their ears perked up. The body of the youth was hanging in the same way as the bodies of 11 people of the same family were found in Burari area a few years ago. The matter was reported to the senior officers. Apart from the crime team, the forensic team was also called to the spot. Later, after completing the formalities, the post-mortem of the dead body of the youth was conducted by the Medical Board. The police is suspecting that the youth has committed suicide like the Burari suicide case due to some occult spell. At present, Govindpuri police station is investigating the matter after interrogating family and friends. After preliminary investigation, police officials are calling it a suicide. Despite this, investigation is being done from angles like murder etc.
According to South-East district police officials, the deceased has been identified as Ajay Gupta (35). Ajay lived alone in street number-7, 4th floor Govindpuri. The family consists of wife and two children. After the dispute, the wife lives with children in Laxmi Nagar apart from Ajay for one and a half years. Ajay was unemployed for a long time. When Ajay’s uncle reached the fourth floor late on Friday night, he saw that his nephew Ajay was hanging from the fan with the help of nylon rope. Ajay climbed on the oil can and hanged it. His hands were tied from behind, while his eyes were tied with a white cloth bandage. Ajay’s uncle found all this very awkward and he made noise and informed the neighbors about it. The neighbor informed the police about it. Seeing Ajay’s body, it seemed that he had hanged two days ago. The body had decomposed quite a bit.
The police started investigation by sending the body to the mortuary. The police have not recovered any suicide note from the deceased. Efforts are on to find out why Ajay committed suicide. Somewhere it is not that he has taken this step by being trapped in the hands of a tantrik. The police have searched his room. At present, no such fact has been found from there, so that it can be known that he was trapped in the affair of some tantrik. Police is checking Ajay’s mobile call record. On the other hand, the medical board has done the post-mortem of Ajay’s body. Police is waiting for the post-mortem report. Police is also probing whether Ajay’s body has been hanged after killing him.