Before death, a person gets these five signs, this change takes place in the body

In the Garuda Purana, there are certain mysteries related to death which indicate death. A dying person gets a signal when death is near.
Among the 18 Puranas, Garuda Purana is the most important
Among all the 18 Puranas of Hinduism, Garuda Purana is considered to be the most important. This is a part of the Vishnu Purana, in which Lord Vishnu is considered to be the deity. It is considered appropriate to read the Puranas after the death of a person. In this Purana information about the stories and secrets after death has been given. This tells what happens to the soul after death. How is the punishment for sin determined? This Purana mentions about sin, virtue, heaven, hell, morality, law, religion and adharma.
When death is near, man gets such a sign
According to Garuda Purana, people who do karma, have to suffer its good or bad results in this life. So some fruits have to be enjoyed even after death. In this Purana, certain secrets related to death are mentioned, which indicate death. According to Garuda Purana, the dying person gets a signal when death is near. Let’s find out what are the signs.
1.According to the Garuda Purana, when one’s death approaches, one’s nose ceases to be visible. He tries a million times but that person cannot see his nose.
2.According to Garuda Purana, as death is near, even the shadow of a person leaves his company. He does not see his shadow in water or oil.
3.A person who dies before death sees strong things in dreams. He sees an extinguished lamp. According to Garuda Purana this is considered as a sign of death.
4.The lines of the hand fade before death. Light falls. According to Garuda Purana, some people cannot see their hand lines at all.
5.Before death a person has a different kind of feeling, like he feels that some spirits are moving around him. According to the Garuda Purana these are the spirits of their ancestors. He is happy that one of his relatives is going to visit him now.