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Teeth, finger or brush what is right: What do you choose to clean the teeth, teeth can rot if not cleaned properly

Teeth, finger or brush what is right: What do you choose to clean the teeth, teeth can rot if not cleaned properly

To clean teeth, teeth or fingers were used earlier, but now most people have started using toothbrushes. Dr. Rahul Marwah, MD Ayurveda, Founder Veda HealthBliss Ayurveda, Mumbai is telling about which method is the right way to clean teeth.

Teeth cleaning may not be heavy

According to Dr. Rahul, people who do not clean their teeth regularly, they may have problems like cavity in the teeth, swollen gums, pyorrhea, bad breath in the mouth. Along with this, children who do not brush daily, they do not feel fresh, due to which they see laziness and they look sluggish in everything they do. His mental health is also not very good. Cleaning of every part of the body has been said in the scriptures, so that we always remain healthy and energetic, so special attention should be paid to cleaning the teeth.

The use of teeth is the best

Dr. Rahul says, “Dtun is the best way to clean the teeth, followed by the finger and lastly the brush. Cleaning teeth with neem, acacia, khair datun gets rid of problems like phlegm, halitosis and gives a feeling of freshness. The taste of Datun is bitter, astringent, sweet, which is beneficial for the health of the teeth and the whole body. Most toothpastes are high in sweeteners and retain this sweetness in the mouth even after brushing, which increases the chances of dental cavities and dental problems. Apart from this, many types of chemicals are also used in toothpaste. Those who brush their teeth with datun, their teeth remain strong.”

There are many toothpastes in the market that have teeth whitening properties and are good for teeth. They can also be used. Many people also brush their teeth with salt. Brushing teeth with finger is also beneficial. The finger can reach every corner of the mouth, so the teeth are cleaned thoroughly and the gums are also massaged with the finger. Brushes have limitations, they cannot function like a finger or a tooth, that’s why toothbrush makers claim that their brush cleans the teeth by going to the corners of the mouth.

Dr. Rahul says, “After brushing teeth, there should be an experience of cleanliness and freshness, which is not found in most toothpastes. It is very important to clean the teeth twice in the morning after waking up and before going to bed at night. It has been said in the scriptures to rinse fourteen times a day, it has been said to protect the mouth and teeth, so do rinse after eating anything.

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