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We're safe until the new variant arrives: Omicron causes antibodies in 98% of India's population, so the risk of corona is negligible.

Amid fears of a fourth wave of the Corona, there is news of relief that we are safe until a new variant of the Corona arrives. Omicron has become an antibody in 98% of Indians. Although the risk of corona is negligible for us, the death toll is alarming. In India, 60 people died on April 28, while on April 27, 39 people died. The epidemic has killed 5.23 lakh people so far.

The question now is whether the fourth wave will come, but if we compare the current state of the transition with the first three weeks of the third wave, it does not seem so. The transition rate in the country is currently less than 1%, compared to 13% in the first three weeks of the third wave.

Epidemiologists, on the other hand, believe that a new wave is not expected, as the new wave comes from variants. The country currently has Omicron and its sub-variants. That is why there is no anticipation of a new wave.

Sequencing of inpatients required

Can transition increase?
People who have not been infected with Omicron can become infected. There are 2% such people in the country. According to the CERO survey, 98% of the country’s population has been infected with Omicron or its sub-variants. These people have antibodies, so they are not at risk. There will be a risk if a new variant comes.

How will the new variant be announced?
Patients with a common cold-cough do not need to be tested. If someone falls seriously ill, a sample should be sent for genome sequencing as soon as they are admitted to the hospital and this will inform the new variant.

What are the prospects for a new variant?
At the very least, most people in the country have been infected with antibodies, so the risk is low.

When will the deaths from corona stop?
Corona is dying, not just because of Corona. It should be properly medically evaluated, because the number of deaths now is due to some serious illness. Fever death should not be associated with corona.

What will happen next given the current situation?
One thing is clear, the hospital will not be crowded, nor will the death increase. Omicron had previously caused waves, but hospital admissions and deaths were low.


  • Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar, Former Scientist, ICMR
  • Pro. Sanjay Roy, Community Medicine, AIIMS
  • Pro. That. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India
  • Dr. Neeraj Nishchal, Associate Professor of Medicine, AIIMS Delhi.

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